
Property Investing Sam Powell Jaryd Krause

Jaryd and Sam, long-standing friends of over 23 years, have united their experiences in property investing to offer you valuable insights. Through a unique mentorship dynamic where Jaryd learns and Sam teaches, they aim to foster collective growth and reveal the inner workings of the Australian real estate landscape, empowering us all with valuable knowledge.

You’ll learn everything from how to  build a property portfolio, research area’s, financing, structuring, buying, selling and reinvesting to live a life of financial independence. 

Jaryd Krause

Jaryd is the Founder & CEO of Buying Online Businesses where he is a passive income specialist who has helped thousands of people to buy established businesses and replace their income to live a life of financial and location independence.

With over 2 decades in personal development, hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on professional development and tens of thousands of dollars spent in property education. Jaryd has a deep understanding of investing, psychology and building a world class team to achieve exceptional results through investing.

As a serial entrepreneur scaling his own (already established) property portfolio, Jaryd is completely committed to helping you achieve your property portfolio and passive income goals as he continues his education in property as well.

Sam Powell

Sam is a friendly and accomplished professional in the property industry. With qualifications as a Certified Practising Valuer and a Qualified Property Investment Advisor, he brings a unique skill set to the table.

Sam’s expertise in property valuation, investment analysis and building/construction management gives him a deep understanding of the complexities of the property market. His previous roles as Head of Investment Strategy & Analysis and Senior Property Valuer highlight his leadership skills and ability to provide reliable property advice.

In addition to his property background, Sam also has experience as a Financial Planner, helping clients align their investments with their financial goals. With a Diploma in Financial Services, he combines his knowledge of the financial industry with his expertise in property.

With a proven track record, diverse qualifications, and a friendly demeanour, Sam is a trusted professional in the property industry. He is dedicated to delivering exceptional results and helping clients achieve their property goals.

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