Ep 08 – How To Choose The Right Property Once You Know The Location

Once you’ve got your pre-approval for finance, you can start looking atlocations on where you want to buy your property investment based on your property portfolio guidelines and your strategy. 

Not all areas are created equal and there are significant opportunity costs of buying the wrong property in the wrong location ant the wrong time. 

In this podcast we will be discussing what goes into choosing a great location to purchase a property in for your property investment portfolio. 

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Episode Highlights

  • The importance of finding the right location when buying a property
  • The opportunity cost of getting it wrong, you could be leaving millions of dollars on the table.
  • What data you need to check to find the right location like supply and demand metrics and why they are important, things like vacancy rates, land supply and even gentrification.
  • We listed a bunch of resources for where to check all of this property data to do it yourself  (if you’d like).
  • And lastly why you are responsible for your investment, even if you are using a buyers agent.

About The Hosts

Sam Powell is a certified property investment advisor and a property evaluator with an illustrious career helping people save and make millions of dollars through property investing.

Jaryd Krause considers himself a student of property, owning his own portfolio of property and online businesses he shares his failures and successes through his property journey.

The Property Pals is strictly just a podcast on how to help you earn passive income through property investing to live a better lifestyle. We have no products or services to sell you, if you ever want help we can refer you to the different people we use for our own personal property portfolios.

Any information shared by Sam, Jaryd & The Property Pals team is strictly general and should not be taken as constituting professional advice. You should consider seeking independent legal, financial and taxation advice from a qualified professional.

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