Ep 37 – The 18 Year Property Market Cycle Explained & How To Use It To Your Advantage

Ready to crack the code on the 18-year property market cycle and supercharge your property investments?

First things first, we’re unveiling the secrets of the 18-year property market cycle. When does it start? When does it end? How long does it run? We’ll dish out the details and show you why understanding this cycle is the key to successful property investing.

But here’s where it gets really interesting: The property market cycle isn’t just about houses and apartments. We’ll show you how it fits into the global economy and reveal other markets you can track to figure out where we stand in the property cycle.

We’re sharing insider tips on how to use the property market cycle to build your property portfolio, making sure you’re always in the right place at the right time.

Supply and demand – the age-old rule! We’ll show you why understanding these in your country and local area during each property cycle is your secret weapon to know if we’re in a rising or falling market. It’s like having your finger on the pulse of the property world!

And here’s the game-changer: Even when the larger property market is in a downturn, there are always smaller markets that thrive! We’ll reveal why you should keep moving forward and uncover those hidden gems in the storm.

Ready to decode the property market and pave your way to wealth? Hit that play button and join us on this epic journey. 🚀

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Episode Highlights

  • What the 18 year property market cycle is, when it starts, when it ends, how long it runs for and why you need to understand it when it comes to property investing
  • How the property market cycle fits in within the macro economy of the world and what other markets you can use to track where we are at in the property market cycle.
  • How to use the property market cycle when building your property portfolio to empower you to make the right moves at the right time.
  • The importance of understanding supply and demand in your country and local area during each property cycle to know if we are in a rising or falling market.
  • Why the overall downturn in the larger generic property market cycle does not mean you should sit on your hands or sell, instead there are always smaller markets that have higher growth locations that can help you weather the overall storm.

About The Hosts

Sam Powell is a qualified property investment advisor and a property valuer with an illustrious career helping people save and make millions of dollars through property investing.

Jaryd Krause considers himself a student of property, owning his own portfolio of property and online businesses he shares his failures and successes through his property journey.

The Property Pals is strictly just a podcast on how to help you earn passive income through property investing to live a better lifestyle. We have no products or services to sell you, if you ever want help we can refer you to the different people we use for our own personal property portfolios.

Any information shared by Sam, Jaryd & The Property Pals team is strictly general and should not be taken as constituting professional advice. You should consider seeking independent legal, financial and taxation advice from a qualified professional.

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