Ep 38 – How To Save $80K & Value A Commercial Property with Jake Lambert


First up, we’re spilling the beans on the two primary valuation methods for commercial properties. It’s like having a magic wand to reveal the true worth of your investment – and we’ll show you how!

But here’s where it gets juicy: Commercial property cycle vs. residential property cycle. When should you invest to earn the best ROI? We’ll unravel the mysteries and guide you through the perfect timing for maximum profits.

Ever wonder why buyers agents might miss important details during a commercial property valuation? We’re lifting the curtain on potential pitfalls and revealing why bringing in a commercial property valuer can be your superhero, saving you time and moolah!

Hold onto your wallets because we’re sharing a jaw-dropping example of how you could save a whopping $80K on a commercial property. It’s the kind of secret sauce you won’t find just anywhere!

And here’s a heartwarming twist: Join us on a journey through the history of Jake Lambert and Sam Powell – not just property valuers. It’s a tale of triumph, friendship, and property success.

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Episode Highlights

  • The 2 primary valuations methods used to value commercial property investments
  • The difference between the commercial property cycle and the residential property cycle and when  you should and shouldn’t invest to earn the best ROI based on these markets.
  • Examples of how buyers agents can miss things when doing a commercial property valuation and why using a commercial property valuer can save you time and money
  • We share an example of how you could  save yourself $80K on a commercial property.
  • The history between Jake Lambert and Sam Powell as property valuers and friends who have done exceedingly well in their property careers.

About The Hosts

Sam Powell is a qualified property investment advisor and a property valuer with an illustrious career helping people save and make millions of dollars through property investing.

Jaryd Krause considers himself a student of property, owning his own portfolio of property and online businesses he shares his failures and successes through his property journey.

About The Guest

Jake Lamber is a certified commercial property valuer for Herron Todd White, a company his dad is the director of and has valued an incredible amount of Commercial Property Investments.

The Property Pals is strictly just a podcast on how to help you earn passive income through property investing to live a better lifestyle. We have no products or services to sell you, if you ever want help we can refer you to the different people we use for our own personal property portfolios.

Any information shared by Sam, Jaryd & The Property Pals team is strictly general and should not be taken as constituting professional advice. You should consider seeking independent legal, financial and taxation advice from a qualified professional.

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