Ep 55 – How To Choose The Best Property Buyers Agents [Real Talk] with Steve Palise

First up, we’re diving into the world of buyers agents with amazing marketing. But are they really the best choice for you? We’ll reveal the truth and why sometimes flashy marketing isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

But beware! We’re shining a light on the traps of buyers agents who are more focused on selling you something for their own benefit rather than aligning with your goals. It’s like navigating a property jungle – but fear not, we’ve got your back!

Ready to grill your potential buyers agent? We’ll equip you with the key questions you must ask to do your due diligence and ensure they’re the perfect fit for your property journey.

But wait, there’s more! We’ll unveil the metrics that buyers agents may tout as impressive but should be taken with a grain of salt. It’s all about separating the real deal from the smoke and mirrors.

And here’s the grand finale: Our philosophies on finding the perfect buyers agent who suits your investment type, strategy, and portfolio goals. It’s like finding a property soulmate!

Ready to unmask the buyers agents and find your property hero? Hit that play button and join us for this epic adventure. 🚀 Your journey to property triumph starts now!

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Episode Highlights

  • Buyers agents with amazing marketing, are they the best buyers agents to choose from or not and why?
  • What traps to beware of with buyers agents who are heavily selling you something that may not align with your goals because but will reward them in some way selfishly.
  • Key questions you must be asking buyers agent to do your due diligence on them before hiring them
  • What metrics from buyers agents that may look and sound great, but how you should take them with a grain of salt.
  • We share our philosophies on how to find someone that suits your investment type, strategy, and your portfolio goals.

About The Hosts

Sam Powell is a qualified property investment advisor and a property valuer with an illustrious career helping people save and make millions of dollars through property investing.

Jaryd Krause considers himself a student of property, owning his own portfolio of property and online businesses he shares his failures and successes through his property journey.

About The Guest

Steve Palise is one of Australia’s leading residential and commercial property buyers agents. Steve was able to leave his 9-5 with the property portfolio he built and is now a podcaster, author and success agent for many Australian’s who want to replace their income by investing in property.

To get one or both Steve’s book for Free (shipping only) use the code ‘PROPERTYPALS’ https://www.paliseproperty.com/commercial-book 

The Property Pals is strictly just a podcast on how to help you earn passive income through property investing to live a better lifestyle. We have no products or services to sell you, if you ever want help we can refer you to the different people we use for our own personal property portfolios.

Any information shared by Sam, Jaryd & The Property Pals team is strictly general and should not be taken as constituting professional advice. You should consider seeking independent legal, financial and taxation advice from a qualified professional.

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