Ep 47 – How To Find The Best Locations For Commercial Property with Steve Palise

Choosing the right location for your commercial property is a strategic move that can make or break your investment. Join us in this episode as we delve into the nuances of location selection, providing professional insights and wisdom for savvy investors.

📍 Discover the distinguishing factors between a prime commercial property location and one that falls short. We’ll dissect the elements that contribute to success in location selection, guiding you towards informed decision-making.

📊 Explore the essential metrics that every commercial property investor should prioritize when evaluating potential locations. From demographic trends to market dynamics, we’ll equip you with the analytical tools needed to identify promising opportunities.

❓ Uncover the common oversights and pitfalls that plague location research efforts. Gain valuable awareness of the blind spots that investors often encounter, ensuring you navigate the process with clarity and foresight.

🗣️ We emphasize the importance of engaging with town planners when assessing prospective locations. Understand why their expertise is invaluable in navigating zoning regulations, development plans, and other critical factors that shape location viability.

💼 Delve into the extensive effort required when embarking on location scouting without the support of comprehensive data and a professional team. We’ll shed light on the complexities and challenges involved, highlighting the significance of expert guidance in achieving optimal results.

Join us for an enlightening discussion that empowers investors to make informed decisions in the intricate realm of commercial property location selection. Tune in for actionable insights and expert perspectives that pave the way for success in your investment endeavors.

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Episode Highlights

  • What makes a good commercial property location versus not so good?
  • What are some of the metrics commercial property investors should be looking at when finding a location?
  • What do people typically miss or get caught out when researching locations?
  • Why it’s important to speak to a town planner for the locations you are looking at
  • How much effort goes into finding a commercial property location on your own without having access to the right data and a team of professionals.

About The Hosts

Sam Powell is a qualified property investment advisor and a property valuer with an illustrious career helping people save and make millions of dollars through property investing.

Jaryd Krause considers himself a student of property, owning his own portfolio of property and online businesses he shares his failures and successes through his property journey.

About The Guest

Steve Palise is one of Australia’s leading residential and commercial property buyers agents. Steve was able to leave his 9-5 with the property portfolio he built and is now a podcaster, author and success agent for many Australian’s who want to replace their income by investing in property.

To get one or both Steve’s book for Free (shipping only) use the code ‘PROPERTYPALS’ https://www.paliseproperty.com/commercial-book 

The Property Pals is strictly just a podcast on how to help you earn passive income through property investing to live a better lifestyle. We have no products or services to sell you, if you ever want help we can refer you to the different people we use for our own personal property portfolios.

Any information shared by Sam, Jaryd & The Property Pals team is strictly general and should not be taken as constituting professional advice. You should consider seeking independent legal, financial and taxation advice from a qualified professional.

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